RISS 2022 nr. 1 can be read here!
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Žarko Tankosić, Paschalis Zafeiriadis og Fanis Mavridis: Filling the GAP: Gourimadi Archaeological Project and a renewed perspective on southern Euboea’s Neolithic
Hein B. Bjerck: Samtidsarkeologi på Feltkurs Hjartøy – Alvheim Fiskefarm
Joseph Ryder: The rebirth of pre-historic monuments in the Norse period of the Hebrides
Helene Robinson: The “rebirth” of artefacts – reflections on transitionary Aztec symbolic meanings and artefactual purpose
Aksel Teigen Breistrand: Mausoleum Augusti: arkitektonisk selvrepresentasjon i overgangen fra Republikk til Keiserrike
Daniela Hofmann: A phoenix from the ashes – migration research in archaeology
Editorial staff:
Aksel Teigen Breistrand (ed.)
Gøril Lambrechts Thue
Karen Kvamme Aase
Magnus Innvær
Erlend Bakken Eide
Janne Lande
Lillian Time
Helene Robinson
Title page: Rebeca Franco Valle (Borgund stavkirke)
Graphic design: Janne Lande