RISS 2024 nr. 6 «Home»

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This time, the editorial team at RISS has chosen the theme of “home.” Throughout history, we humans have constructed homes based on the materials available to us, the conditions in the areas we settle, and the knowledge we’ve inherited from those who came before us. We have built homes from wood, stone, wattle and daub, leather, earth, mammoth bones, and much more. The homes humanity has created are characterized by the diversity of building materials, styles, and forms we’ve come up with. People have lived in everything from brick houses to turf huts to longhouses to mobile tents. We have created buildings and settlements adapted to all the world’s climates, but it’s not just these structures that can be categorized as “home.” Over the years, we’ve also built bonds with landscapes, familiar objects, and, most importantly, with other people. Throughout all times and places in the world, we have built homes in each other—both on a small scale, in the form of relationships between individuals, and on a large scale by gathering into ethnic groups and other communities of belonging.



Idunn M. J. Abelsnes: Reportasje fra NASK 2024

Bendik N. Bergendal: Minneord etter Randi Barndon

Ingrid Nærland: Gropkeramisk kultur i Norge

Mats Skare: Følelsen av et hjem

Søren Diinhoff: Langhusbebyggelsen fra vikingetid og tidlig jernalder på Vestlandet

Anika Stoll: Bergens Museum – Et hjem for vestnorsk arkeologi

Håkan Rydving: Heim- og helsetrygding i det gamle Mesopotamia

Lars Erik Gjerpe: Arkeologisk Gårdsforskning i Norge

Finn Jürgens: Kampen om et hjem

Daniela Hofmann and Penny Bickle: They’re the modern stonge-age family



Editing staff:

Idunn Margrete Jørgensen Abelsnes
Bendik Nilsen Bergendal
Birte Elise Viddal Dybvik
Elin Hulda Gussiås
Marie Hansteen Hagness
Marita Træet Heimsæter
Edvind Arnold Kjærstad
Lena Marie Eriksen Mæland
Malin Røgenes
Anika Carlotta Stoll
Julie Fjesme Sundby
Kristin Tobiassen
Rosa Vaksdal


Title page: Illustration by Malin Røgenes, graphic design by Marie Hansteen Hagness. The illustration is inspired by a Neolithic grave from Salzmünde.

Graphic designer: Edvind Arnold Kjærstad.

Illustrators: Malin Røgenes, Lena Marie Eriksen Mæland, Rosa Vaksdal, Emilie Skår Lone.