RISS Vol. 1 2016 can be read here
Volume 1. 2016 is the first New publication in years, and is the result of a new editorial staff along with a new editor in cheif. RISS has returned as a a twice a year publication and you should expect yet 2 new issues in 2017. RISS vol1. 2016 can be found and read in PDF format in the link underneath.
RISS Vol.1 2016 contains the following articles:
– “Sven Nilson – Theologian, Zoologist and Archeologist” by Nils Anfinset
Language: Norwegian
– “Pyramids and Subterranean Passages: Archeological Observations from the Tunnel Under the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, Teotihuacan, Mexico” by Kasper Wrem Anderson
Language: Danish
– “Images in Ritual Landscapes” by Audun Strøm Bakke
Language: Norwegian
– “The end of the Norse Settlement at Greenland” by Mona Karin Boge
Language: Norwegian
Editorial staff:
Anja Haugland Svingen (red.)
Andreas Lian
Audun Strøm Bakke
Julie Westlye
Kristin Marie Underhaug
Mona Karin Boge
Thomas Rage Johnsen