Redesigning the website

In 2016 RISS came under a new leadership with a new editorial staff, we have done our best to get the journal back on track. As a result we have decided to change the design of our webpage, and as a consequence you will see a lot of changes during this spring. I will do my best not to remove any functionality from the page while I’m doing this, but hope you will forgive any faults that may occur due to this change.

Best. Andreas Lian, IT


RISS is Changing

RISS is an archeological journal with a popular scientific style run by archeology students from University of Bergen. After a long time with little activity, RISS has been inherited by a new editorial staff and is filled with new blood and with a new determination. The first thing that will be done is the transition from a paper based journal to a free online journal – available to everyone.

Best wishes from the staff and from Anja H. Svingen, Editor in Chief